Wednesday, May 16, 2012

An Open Letter to Mitt Romney

By Preston Cooper

Dear Mitt Romney,

I don't know who you are anymore.

You have no doubt heard that last Wednesday, President Obama endorsed the right of same-sex couples to be wed. In response, you predictably disagreed with the President's position, but also said this:

"I don't favor civil unions if they're identical to marriage other than by name. My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate."

Wow. Using the defense of protecting traditional marriage is one thing, but you just took discrimination to a whole different level. In this statement you made it clear that your interest is not in preserving the definition of marriage, but in expressly limiting the rights of same-sex couples. A civil union, identical to marriage other than by name, is not an ideal solution for proponents of same-sex marriage. However, it satisfies, to a limited extent, those who believe in preserving the definition of traditional marriage and those who advocate for expansion of the rights granted to same-sex couples. At least, until you came along, and in a blatant pander to the religious right, made this your official platform.

As a Republican and an LGBT person, I am a member of a very small voting bloc, and probably not one that you have to worry much about. I will likely still vote for you - economic issues, your strong suit, are more pressing - but with reservations. I know that at least one of your major backers, Bill White, withdrew his support and joined Team Obama after the daylight between you and the President on this issue became clear. More may follow. Are you prepared to alienate independents and young people, not to mention ostracize a major minority, for the sake of becoming a "fake" conservative?

You see, Mr. Romney, I don't believe you understand what true conservatism is. Conservatism is the belief that a limited government, which does only what it must, is the path to a prosperous society. I see no need under conservative values for the government to tell me who I may and may not marry. Nor do I see the need for forcing one definition of marriage, one espoused by only a segment of the population, upon the entire country. That is the exact kind of big government you should advocate against.

I certainly hope you and the rest of the GOP come to understand that protecting the liberties of our entire population, and by default supporting same-sex marriage, is an intrinsic element of conservative philosophy. If you want to be a true conservative, Mr. Romney, stop following what people say about our philosophy, and start following our philosophy.

Best of luck in November,

Preston Cooper

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